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You need to specify which devices (eth0, eth1, ppp0, ippp0 and so on) you want to have displayed. This is done by the Parameters list. The following parameters are currently supported by the applet:

Global settings:

INFOPORT The portnumber to contact for general information. Opening a connection to this port should trigger a script that dumps the contents of /proc/net/dev (with an additional line consisting of exactly one #). See the install instructions for an example of such a script
ALIGNMENT Specifies whether the graphs should be aligned in X- or in Y-direction.
If you specify "Y" the applet will use vertical alignment; every other value will make the applet use horizontal alignment.
If you don't specify this parameter at all, the applet will use vertical alignment.
DRAW_CLIENT_BORDER Specifies whether a border around the client area (where the graphs are drawn) should be displayed
Default: true
0 or "false" to not draw a border
1 or "true" to draw a border
DRAW_COMPONENT_BORDER Specifies whether a border around the component should be displayed
Default: true
0 or "false" to not draw a border
1 or "true" to draw a border
INSETS Specifies the number of pixels between the outer border of the component and the area that will be used to draw strings/lines etc.


All colors should be specified in the following format:
  where  RR is the 2 digit hex-code for the red component of the color
         GG is the 2 digit hex-code for the green component of the color
         BB is the 2 digit hex-code for blue red component of the color
For example: 00FF00 for pure red or C8C8C8 for gray

CONTROL_BACKGROUND_COLOR The color of the title-bar and status bar (default C8C8C8)
CONTROL_FOREGROUND_COLOR The color of the text in the title- and status-bar (default 000000)
DATA_BACKGROUND_TRYING_COLOR The color of the section of the screen, where the data from the device is displayed (default FFFF00) (when the device is trying to go online)
Currently, only relevant for ISDN-Devices
DATA_BACKGROUND_OFFLINE_COLOR The color of the section of the screen, where the data from the device is displayed (default C8C8C8) (when the device is offline)
Currently, only relevant for ISDN-Devices
DATA_BACKGROUND_COLOR The color of the section of the screen, where the data from the device is displayed (default 144014)
DATA_FOREGROUND_COLOR1 First color of the data (default 00FF00)
DATA_FOREGROUND_COLOR2 Second color of the data (default 00FFFF) (only used in line-view)
GRID_COLOR Color of the grid (default 006000)
BAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR The background-color of the bar in bar-view (default 288028)
CPU_SYSTEM_COLOR Color for system (=Kernel) CPU-usage (default FF0000)
CPU_USER_COLOR Color for user-space CPU-usage (default 0000FF)
CPU_NICE_COLOR Color for nice CPU-usage (default 0000FF)

Device specific settings:

(the x must be replaced with an integer, beginning with 0; gaps in the numbering are not allowed):

DEVx_NAME This parameter specifies the name of the device (eth0 or so). This parameter must be the first in the list.
DEVx_LABEL This parameter specifies the name that should be displayed in the applet. If no label is specified, the device-name is shown.
DEVx_DRAW_LEGEND Specifies (any value !=0 will do) that a "legend" should be drawn in line view. This means that there will be two labels ("In" and "Out") in the upper right corner of the window, each in the color the line for the corresponding value is painted.
DEVx_DRAW_TITLE Specifies (any value !=0 and !="false" will do) that a title bar with the name (or, if specified, the label) of the device should be drawn
DEVx_DRAW_STATUS Specifies (any value !=0 and !="false" will do) that a status bar with the current in/out/maximum values should be drawn
DEVx_GRID_INTERVAL Specifies how many bytes should be between grid-lines.
DEVx_GRID_LINECOUNT Specifies how many gridlines should be painted. This was introduced because for devices with high throughput it is more practical to define that 10 lines should be drawn rather than that the interval is 131072 (for a 10MBit device).
You should only give a value for either DEVx_GRID_INTERVAL or DEVx_GRID_LINECOUNT. If you specify a value for both, the value for DEVx_GRID_LINECOUNT has higher priority.
If you don't specify a value for either, no grid is drawn.
DEVx_SHOW_CPU_USAGE If set to a value different from 0, cpu-usage of the router will be displayed (only works with the C server side program, not with the script).
This will be a bar above the title of the graph (so if you set DEVx_DRAW_TITLE to not draw a title, you will also not get cpu-usage).
See the colors section for information on how to specify the colors to be used.
Note: if the parameter INSETS is specified to something less than 4, no cpu-usage will be drawn!
DEVx_MAX Specifies the maximum throughput this device can have, in bytes per second. So for a 100 MBit network card, specify 13107200, for 10MBit 1310720, for an ISDN-device 8192 and so on (MBits/8*1024*1024). This is used for the scaling in bar, line and histogram mode.
WARNING: if your device supports (and uses) full duplex, the maximum throughput parameter should be twice the theoretical throughput when using histogram mode (since here in and out are added).
This parameter is only evaluated for bar, line and histogram view.
For line and histogram view, you can also specify "auto" and "auto_accumulate" to enable autoscaling. "auto_accumulate" scales using the maximum value since the applet was started; "auto" will use the largest value that's currently being displayed.
Specifies the number of bytes that should be subtracted from the throughput before displaying the data. This way you can filter out a constant load on the device that you don't want to see.
DEVx_MODE Specifies how the data shall be displayed. Possible values are: histogram, doublehistogram, line, bar or numeric
DEVx_DONT_NORMALIZE If set to a value different from 0, the values will not be normalised to values per second
DEVx_ABSOLUTE If set to a value different from 0, the values will be displayed as is, and not the change from the previous value. This only makes sense when you're monitoring other data, like CPU-Temperature, number of processes or something like that.
DEVx_PERCENT This will cause the input value to be converted to a percentage (in + out = 100 %)
In Line-graph, only one line will be drawn, in all others the out-value will always be considered 0
Great for displaying CPU-usage as a graph, where in would be System+User+Nice and out would be idle.
DEVx_IN_CAPTION Specifies the string to be displayed in the status bar and legend, in front of the in-values. Default: "In"
DEVx_OUT_CAPTION Specifies the string to be displayed in the status bar and legend, in front of the out-values. Default: "Out"
DEVx_DRAW_TICKS Specifies that a grid along the X-axis should be drawn
DEVx_TICK_INTERVAL Specifies the interval (in pixels) between each "tick" along the x-axis (default 10)

Action specification:

The applet supports any number of actions that can be triggered by using a context-menu. The number of the action (y) will determine the position of the item in the context menu.
This number must also start with 0 and must not contain any gaps in the numbering.

DEVx_ACTION caption; command
  caption: The string to be displayed in the menu

Supported commands

GET dir dir is the part behind the hostname in the URL, like /cgi-bin/goOnline.sh
This tells the program to fetch an html-document from the specified position on the current server (other servers cannot be contacted due to the Java-Sandbox)
The protocol-part for this URL is always assumed to be "http://"
OPEN portnumber Opens a connection to the specified port (and waits until this connection is closed again)

The action is now being run in a separate thread - so you can also specify an action that will take a long time to complete (like, triggering sendmail send mails in the queue, or fetchmail to fetch emails). As of version 0.8 the applet will no longer be blocked until the action is completed.

ISDN related stuff

The new server-component will automatically detect when there is an ISDN-device present, and will send info about that device to the client (mainly the device status that is online/offline/trying to connect). This is achieved by parsing the output of /dev/isdninfo. So, for the new server-component to work correctly, you'll have to set the permissions of /dev/isdninfo in a way that the lrpStat process can access it (obviously, this is not a problem when it runs as root ;-))

Components for ISDN-devices will be painted in different colors, depending on the status. By default, this is green for an online device, gray for a device that's offline, and yellow while the device is trying to connect. See the color section for details on how to customize these colors.

Together with the actions that can be defined, this makes for a rather decent "dial manager". Of course, it works for modems as well, but without detection whether the line is up or down.

Monitoring CPU usage

Since version 0.11, the c-program (and only the c-version of the server program - the script does not (and will not, unless somebody else implements this functionality) gather the information about cpu usage) formats the cpu-usage as a "virtual" interface (name cpu0), which can be used to display cpu-usage in a graph. See also the DEVx_PERCENT parameter.

If you have more than one cpu, the first two are displayed as device "cpu0" (the first cpu will be presented as "incoming traffic", the second as "outgoing traffic"). The next two as device "cpu1" and so on. This has been tested on a system with 4 cpus and it works fine. If you want to use it on a system with more cpus, you'll have to change the "MAX_CPUS" define in src/server/lrpStat.h and recompile. I don't have access to a system with more than 4 CPUs, so I can't test it myself, but it should work.

Example for an HTML-Page:

<TITLE>Test page for lrp-Status monitor</TITLE>
<H3>lrp-Status monitor</H3>
<APPLET CODE="LrpStatApplet.class"  ARCHIVE="lrpStat.jar" WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="100%">

	<PARAM NAME=DEV0_LABEL VALUE="Internal interface">

	<PARAM NAME=DEV1_MAX VALUE="auto_accumulate">
	<PARAM NAME=DEV1_ACTION0 VALUE="online;GET /cgi-bin/goOnline.sh">
	<PARAM NAME=DEV1_ACTION1 VALUE="offline;GET /cgi-bin/goOffline.sh">


Java application:

Starting the application:
java LrpStatApplication
                        [-width value]
                        [-height value]
                        [-configfile htmlFilename]
                        -hostname routername
                        [paramName paramValue] [paramName paramValue] ...
Command-line parameters:
-v Prints verbose messages (should be turned on for troubleshooting)
-vertical Specifies that the controls for monitoring several hosts are aligned vertically (default is horizontal). This does not interfere with the "ALIGNMENT" Parameter in the html-file
-width The width of the window (default 640)
-height The height of the window (default 480)
-configfile The name of the html-file that could also be used to start the applet (must be a local file)
-hostname Required.
The name of the router you want to monitor
paramName Any number of parameters. This is equivalent to specifying a config file with the parameters defined there

Note: that whole block of

-hostname xxx -configfile yyy applet-parameters
may be repeated as often as desired (obviously, with different values). This way, you can display several connections to different computers at the same time. The controls will be displayed with horizontal alignment (one next to the other).

If the parameter name or value contains spaces, enclose the name/value in parentheses. For example:

DEV0_LABEL "Internal interface"

You should not specify parameters on the command-line that are also specified in the config-file. If you do, which parameter takes effect depends on where the parameter is specified in the command line (before or after the -configfile parameter).

The easy way to get the application running is to set everything up the way you want in Netmon.html (but not upload to the web-server) and start the application with

java LrpStatApplication -hostname host -configfile Netmon.html

If you want to "swallow" the application into the Gnome-panel, you should specify that the application doesn't paint a legend, title, status bar or borders - that way, the available space will be used effectively.

Last modified: June 22nd, 2002 by webmaster@hejl.de